Balance Beam

Canvas 30” x 30”

Time: Approx. 1.5 hours

Date: June 6th, 2023

Cost: $700

Artist Statement

Scriptural Theme:  ‘The faith of self-giving, loving friendship,’ [Luke 5:17-26–Note: this was the only information on today's theme I had prior to the start of the service.] 

So, as I stood, mind blank for 20 minutes, inviting the Holy Spirit to come.  Then, I started to get images in my head of construction workers listening to their hurting friend.  I remembered a famous black and white picture of ironworkers having lunch on an I-beam super high in the sky.  I wondered, ‘Is this too trite?’ But, I had a sense it was right so I started painting the figures.

A few minutes later, Brandon Hodge, when talking about the value of friendship and taking risks, told the story where he led some friends at night to the top of a…yes…skyscraper in China.  A skyscraper that was…yes…still under construction! I was in awe–AGAIN–of the Holy Spirit doing his work today! 

In the Luke 5 story, some men carried a paraplegic man from far away, but upon arrival couldn’t get through the crowd so they urgently cut a hole through the roof, then lowered the man down to Jesus. “Seeing the demonstration of their faith, Jesus said to the paraplegic man, “My friend, your sins are forgiven!”  

The story has strong overtones of friendship: courage to risk being open (not unlike walking an I-beam!) and the compassion to sacrificially hold others up.  Jesus saw this in these men and it moved him.  To be frank, it’s hard to be vulnerable even with my friends–I hold back sometimes out of shame.  But, when I have enough faith to share my struggles with my friends, they 'carry me to Jesus' and something gets unlocked.  This mutual trust echoes in Heaven, releasing God's healing power into whatever place in my mind is still held captive–shattering the stronghold–I feel alive, free, strong, agile, and protected!  Just like the man to whom Jesus said,  “Stand up! Carry your stretcher and go on home, for you are healed.”   Just now, as I write this, I realize that the figures in the painting are sitting on a cross beam! His faithfulness to die on the cross IS the beam that supports all friendship. And, it’s friendship that keeps us balanced.  The Holy Spirit did a 360-slam dunk for this painting!! (I just passed him the ball:)