Clasping The Cross
Date: Live on August 21st, 2022; [completed April 2nd, 2023]
Canvas: 36'“ x 36”
[Not For Sale]
For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. —Colossians 1:19,20
I walked into Hope this Sunday with an image already in my mind that my friend and fellow counselor, Dr. Jason Buck, gave me this image several months ago for peace in dark times: in the midst shame and fear to clasp the cross and let his blood coat you.
The theme of the message from Doug was about following Jesus together, sharing a meal at home, really sharing life together. This also ties in with the message from the week prior–”Christ at the Center”–by guest speaker, Ed Underwood, who said, "sustaining unity is only possible when each member puts Jesus at the center." So, while painting, I got the idea to put the cross in the center, splitting the sky in two–Jesus’ act of compassion transforms the dark storm of chaos into brilliant unified rays of light that burst out into angelic clouds. Jason later would comment, "the light source coming from the bottom…reminds me of Jesus raising us up out of hell. Jesus lit up hell and brought his light back."
Ed pointed out that the early followers of Jesus had no hierarchy–unity flowed spontaneously out of their fierce dependence on Jesus’ very life within each of them–it emanated outward from their core. Doug and Ed both emphasized Jesus’ Love truly unites us, not politics, rules, or programs. As Ed said, “there is no more work to do, Christ finished the work at the cross.”
When fear takes over my center, I've tried to cover myself many times with "being helpful” or “imitating Christ" out of my own strength…using big words, good deeds (even paintings!). But, it’s Christ’s blood that coats me, protects me, makes me a new creation…setting me free to lay down my ego. Jesus told his disciples, “Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." [John 15:12-13] On the cross, Jesus didn’t reach for protection in rules and religion, but…in the dark chaos…with a burning heart, he fiercely clasped The Father and all of creation…so hard, in fact, that God’s bright-red-fullness burst out of his body and flowed down the cross. Likewise, while stumbling in the dark, we can fall to our knees and clasp the cross letting his blood baptize us and fill us to the point it bursts out a second time…bonding us to each other through our mutual Center. And when that time comes…it shall always be Easter Morning on Earth!