Date: November 3rd, 2024
[Not for Sale]
Canvas: 30” x 30”
Today’s theme was a rough one: mourning loved ones who have died. Doug talked about how on Jesus’ last mission–to march into Jerusalem to let himself be crucified to save the world–he halted everything and wept with his friends over Lazarus. He wept, not because of his own loss (he had already stated his plan to raise Lazarus from the dead in John 11:11), but because he was “deeply moved in spirit and troubled” to see his sisters and brothers in agony. Our impulse is to rush (avoid) grief, but Jesus patiently feels our sorrow with us, thus allowing its full expression. Expression: moving that which is inside to the outside…to be felt…seen…shared…and healed.
In the atmosphere of mourning today, picturing my brother, Patrick, brought up more sadness and I was moved to tears once again. I still miss him even after 29 years, and remembering him in a state of joy is sometimes the saddest for me. For almost an hour, I stood waiting for the image to take shape. ‘How can I show this phenomenon of expression?’ Finally, I see my brother’s spirit burst out from the space between Jesus and I…Jesus holds out his hand…to halt the world…to make that sacred space where he shares my pain. From within this safe space, I express all my emotions…even my doubt, anger and judgment against God. Rocking out on his electric guitar, Patrick holds nothing back…joy and loss fuse together. More and more, with each tear I understand what Patrick’s life means to me…and with each tear I learn how much each of us mean to Jesus.
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. –Romans 12:15