Living Catch

Date: April 23rd, 2023

Size: 30” x 30”

Cost: $1,500

Artist Statement

Simon Peter, when he saw it, fell to his knees before Jesus. “Master, leave. I’m a sinner and can’t handle this holiness. Leave me to myself.” When they pulled in that catch of fish, awe overwhelmed Simon and everyone with him. It was the same with James and John, Zebedee’s sons, coworkers with Simon.

 Jesus said to Simon, “There is nothing to fear. From now on you’ll be fishing for men and women.” They pulled their boats up on the beach, left them, nets and all, and followed him. —Luke 5:8-11 [The Message Translation]

This was a very special Sunday as Liz Tautolo was commissioned as a pastor at Hope Covenant Church. She spoke about Jesus asking Simon Peter to cast his net in the water even though it was the wrong time of day.  The catch was so huge, Simon Peter’s boat was overwhelmed, then a second boat was filled and began to sink as well [Luke 5:1-11].  Liz showed a picture of a 1986 archaeological discovery called “The Jesus Boat”  recovered from the bottom of the Sea of Galilee which was 27 foot long!  So, this was A LOT of fish. But, Simon cPeter yelled, “Go away from me, Master, for I am a sinful man!”  Five days prior I happened to hear Jamie Winship comment that Simon Peter is confessing to Jesus his false identity. So how does Jesus respond?  Jesus gives him a new identity… “Do not yield to your fear, Simon Peter. From now on, you will catch men for salvation!”  —a ‘lifeguard of souls.’ 

 Today, I could relate to Peter.  Standing for about 40 minutes in front of a blank canvas, I said, “Jesus, I confess I’m afraid, I feel like I’m on my own here. I suck. I’ll never live up to your standards.”  Then, I asked Jesus, “Tell me who I am,” and I sensed Jesus telling me, “Don’t be afraid. I’m with you. You are a creator.” Then, I got an image of Liz as Simon Peter rescuing a man who’s just gone over a waterfall high in the mountains with clouds below.  I also remembered a presentation that my friend Dr. Jason Buck co-facilitated three days ago, which included a diagram with a tree representing Christ–we can hold on the tree in order to pull someone up who is struggling.  As I finished the painting, I added water draining off the figures and noticed it looked like fins.  Now, the male figure resembles a fish!  I didn’t intend that at all!  Liz concluded by emphasizing how the disciples left EVERYTHING on the beach and followed Jesus.  One might say they were learning their true identity so they didn't feel the need for anything else…just as long as they could be with Jesus, they had EVERYTHING!