Living to Serve

Date: August, 27th 2023

Canvas: 30” x 30”

Cost: $300

“On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus also was invited to the wedding with his disciples.” [John 2:1-2]

Many people got up this morning to share about the ministries they were part of…Stacey talked about the joy of tutoring kids at San Marcos Elementary; Bob talked about playing music and singing with folks in memory care; others shared about helping refugees; missionary families via video in Ecuador and Colombia shared their challenges and victories.  Liz and Heidi gave short messages about finding fulfillment in serving out of genuine care.  They talked about how our best witness of Christ’s love is with-ness…to be with others in the same way Jesus was with people.  He served people, not because he felt obligated, but because he simply couldn’t help himself.  At the end, they invited everyone to get together with others in the effort, then commissioned everyone to go out to serve people–to be with–even to give a smile, a handshake, or a listening ear.  

For the image I waited patiently. I got a picture in my mind of Jesus celebrating with people at the wedding in Cana. Then, when the wine ran out, he astounded everyone when, “the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine.” I then saw an image of three women dancing arm in arm in the spirit of with-ness in a vibrant natural setting.  These women share history…being there for each other, sharing each others’ highs and lows. Yvonne pointed out to me that the women showed a gamut of emotion: one feeling spunky…one overjoyed…one melancholy [from left to right].  An energy flows between them…they move in step…their pain and joy mingle…soaked in the warm magenta light of sunset.  I remember in college back in Alaska, the long days of waiting tables, but also, how it would lift my own spirits to see guests having wine and celebrating.  Now, as I look at the painting, it dawns on me: the True Wine is Jesus himself. He lives to serve us his life, and we get to enjoy serving that same Wine to each other.

“Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.” —John 2:10