
Palm Sunday—Power Over Vs. Power Under

Canvas: 30” x 48”

Time: Approx. 4 hours

Cost: $2,500

Artist Statement

Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them; they don’t know what they’re doing.” (Luke 23:34--MSG)

Image: I began the painting with Jesus at the top, riding into Jerusalem. The crowd cheering, arms extended like Palm branches. The crowd expecting Jesus to proclaim Himself Messiah and lead Israel out from under Rome’s oppression. Jesus fails to meet expectations. Then, the crowd turn on Jesus. [I flipped the canvas upside down at this point in Doug’s sermon.] Now, Judas the betrayer is at the top--seeking power over. Judas is haloed in a false religious glow. I, like Judas, many times have put God on trial. I’ve told God, “How could you allow the existence of sickness, torture and injustice?! If you’re not going do something about it, then we need the U.S. or the church to just take over and fix it!” Or, like the pharisees who persecuted Jesus, expecting to get only blessings as payment for being good, I sometimes end up resentful toward God for the disappointments in my personal life. But, there is Jesus, faithful, keeping His arms outstretched, saying, I forgive you and I do want you to have everything. I want you to have ME! His love now radiates through the crowd and transforms us.

[NOTE: The painting could be flipped a final time putting Jesus at the top again, only this time Jesus is lifted up by our arms empowered with His love and grace, and thankfulness for His sacrifice.]