Tabitha Raised to LIFE!
Canvas: 20” x 24”
Date: 8/4/2019; Approx. 2 hours
Cost: $1,500
Artist Statement
“This became known all over Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord.”—Acts 9:42 (NIV)
For inspiration for the painting, I focused on the story of Peter raising Tabitha from the dead found in Acts 9:36-43. At the beginning of the service, Troy MacDonald, led everyone in a song: ‘Get Your Hopes Up,’ which includes the lyrics “Our God is for us, He’s brought us back to life.” That confirmed it for me! I placed Peter lifting his arm to Heaven, open handed, to show the humility of receiving the gift of LIFE, which Peter gives to Tabitha. Peter is blessed, then he blesses Tabitha. To receive LIFE, we must first go through ego death—our old thinking dies and new-thinking is born. This is repentance—the resurrection of the mind. And Peter realized God wanted to share this gift with people outside his circle (the “gentiles” or non-Jews)—"…even to Gentiles God has granted repentance that leads to life (Acts 11:18).” As Peter worked to let go and just believe God would do it, the Holy Spirit opened (or resurrected) the minds of people! [Holy Spirit in the painting is represented by the yellow glow enveloping the figures.] So many times, I have felt overwhelmed at the thought of ‘doing the Lord’s work.’ The burden crushes me to the ground, especially the work of evangelism. But, in the end, it is the LORD’s work to do, not mine. God grants the gift of new-thinking to people, not me.
My friend and pastor, Doug Glynn, (not so co-incidentally) talked specifically about evangelism on this Sunday and the need to continually focus on Christ’s love for the lost. Christ’s love becomes our love for the lost sheep. Doug emphasized how God puts relationship at the center of his work, which corresponds with Peter and Tabitha’s hands being clasped in center of the painting—power bursts forth at this point of human connection! So, after being resurrected in our own minds by the Holy Spirit, what could be sweeter than participating in resurrecting others? Like Peter, can’t we also bask in this warm glowing light? Isn’t this what life is all about? The answer is…YES!! And, the best part is that HE gets ALL the credit—we just need to be humble enough to receive it!! (Yes, Really)