Rebellion of Joy
Date: December 15th, 2024 (Advent)
Cost: $500
Canvas: 30” x 30”
Today, Heidi spoke about rebelling against the world’s values (appetites) of power and control. And, that Mary’s name was actually Maryam in Hebrew meaning, “Of the Sea,” so with the power of the ocean, and “Bitter” like salt or “Rebellious,” and an indirect declaration of war against the Roman Empire. Mary, in pain and joy, gave birth to the greatest Rebel of all time, who flipped the world upside down by living a life of perfect love (sacrifice) for each of us. Heidi told stories of brave souls who were moved by Christ to save Jews from the Holocaust and refugees from wars in the Middle East. Heidi urged everyone who had already been considering taking in refugees to do so as another act of rebellion against the world system. Then, Heidi urged everyone of us, regardless of the cost, to follow our Burning Heart wherever He led us.
For the painting, I remembered the scripture, “for the joy set before him, Christ endured the cross…” and that Christ chose celibacy as a part of preparing himself for his wedding in Heaven with his Bride, and as part of preparing his Bride as well. So, I got a picture in my mind of Jesus suffering on the cross and looking into Heaven…seeing his pure and beautiful Bride…receiving the joy he needed to endure the agony of the cross…taking the keys of death and Hell…and being raised (with us) to life...a sacrifice that…if we choose to believe it’s true…brings joy…breaks the oppression of our appetites...and brings about that very day. May the Spirit give us a glimpse of our future with Christ, so that we can bear any cross in the rebellion of Joy.
And Mary said:
"My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in
God my Savior,
for he has been mindful
of the humble state of his
servant.” –Luke 1:46-56